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Dr. Mladen Bevanda, prof. emeritus



Dr. Mladen Bevanda, profesor emeritus, rođen je 10.02.1940. godine u Biletićima (Čitluk), Bosna i Hercegovina. Završio je petogodišnju učiteljsku školu u Mostaru. Studij pedagogije i njemačkog jezika završio je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Na ovom fakultetu je završio postdiplomski studij pedagogije i odbranio doktorsku disertaciju pod naslovom „Pedagoška misao u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1918. do 1941. godine.“ Prije dolaska na Filozofski fakultet radio je kao učitelj, srednješkolski profesor, te viši znanstveni radnik u Institutu za nacionalne odnose. Sve ratne dane proveo je u Sarajevu s kolegama koji su ostali radeći sa studentima i sačuvali Odsjek za pedagogiju. U vremenu od 1996. do 2000. godine bio je na političkim dužnostima u Kantonu Sarajevo. Surađivao je s mnogim časopisima i pedagoškim listovima kao pisac tesktova, član redakcija i savjeta. Sudjelovao je u brojnim znanstvenim skupovima u BiH i u inostranstvu (Nizozemska, Belgija, Luksemburg, Njemačka, Italija, SAD). U SAD je proveo mjesec dana 1996. godine radi izučavanja školskog sistema. Predmet njegovog posebnog interesovanja je problematika opće-svjetske povijesti pedagogije i školstva kao i razvitak pedagogije i školstva kao dijela kulturne baštine u Bosni i Hercegovini. U ovom historijsko-kulturnom kontekstu zanima se i za probleme metodike odgojnog rada. Njegovi znanstveni i stručni radovi čine cjelovito pedagoško razmatranje kojim se aktualiziraju znanstvena dostignuća i iskustva prošlosti. U mnogim svojim radovima dr. Bevanda afirmira znanstvenike koji su dali vrijedne priloge povijesti pedagoške misli u Bosni i Hercegovini. Svojim radovima dr. Bevanda upućuje na vrijedna pedagoško-tradicijska iskustva koja treba sačuvati od zaborava i koja valja dalje istraživati. Bio je mentor u izradi brojnih diplomski i magistarskih radnji, doktorskih disertacija, te promotor više od trideset knjiga, zbornika i časopisa. Bio je predsjednik Odsjeka za pedagogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu. U mirovinu je otišao kao redovni profesor.  



Professor emeritus Mladen Bevanda was born on 10 February 1940 in Biletići (Čitluk), Bosnia and Herzegovina. He completed the five-year teacher education school in Mostar and graduated from the department of Pedagogy and the Department of German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. There he also completed his master's course in pedagogy and defended his doctoral dissertation entitled „Pedagogical Thought in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1918 to 1941“. Prior to employment as the faculty staff member, he worked as a high school teacher and a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Relations. He spent the war in Sarajevo with his fellow colleagues who also stayed working with the students and thus preserved the Department of Pedagogy. From 1996 to 2000, he was politically engaged at different positions in the Sarajevo Canton. He has contributed to a number of journals and pedagogical periodicals through articles, as well as through membership in boards of reviewers and councils. He has participated at many scientific conferences in BiH and abroad (the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, USA). He spent one month in the USA in 1996, researching the school system. His special areas of interest include global pedagogical history and schooling, as well as the development of pedagogy and schooling as part of cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this historic-cultural context, he is also interested in issues related to character development methodology. Many of his papers praise the achievements of scientists who significantly contributed to the history of pedagogical thought in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In his work, professor Bevanda emphasises valuable pedagogical and traditional experience that should be preserved and researched further. He supervised numerous bachelor and master thesis, doctoral dissertations, and has promoted over thirty books, proceedings and journals. He was the Head of the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. He retired as a full-time professor.