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Tematske grupe Konferencije | Thematic Sections of the Conference

  1. Teorijski i metodološki iskoraci u odgoju i obrazovanju
  2. Iskoraci u visokom obrazovanju – Bolonjski reformski procesi
  3. Iskoraci ka novoj obrazovnoj politici i demokratizaciji škole
  4. Iskoraci ka jačanju inkluzivnog obrazovanja
  5. Iskoraci u interkulturalnom odgoju i obrazovanju
  6. Iskoraci ka svestranom razumijevanju ranog razvoja djeteta/učenika
  7. Iskoraci u izgrađivanju partnerstva obitelji i škole
  8. Iskoraci ka nastavniku novog doba
  9. Iskoraci u kreiranju kvalitetnog kurikuluma
  10. Stilovi učenja i poučavanja – iskoraci u nastavnoj praksi
  11. Iskoraci u obrazovanju odraslih i cjeloživotnom učenju
  12. Iskoraci u informacijskoj pismenosti
  13. Iskoraci u afirmaciji pedagoške struke – primjeri iz prakse
  14. Cross tematska grupa



  1. Theoretical and Methodological Advances in Education and Development
  2. Advances in Higher Education – the Bologna Reform Processes
  3. Advances in a New Educational Policy and Democratisation of the School
  4. Advances in Inclusive Education Strengthening
  5. Advances in Intercultural Education and Development
  6. Advances in a Comprehensive Understanding of Early Child/Pupil Development
  7. Advances in the Creation of Partnership between the Family and the School
  8. Advances in a Modern Age Teacher
  9. Advances in the Creation of a Quality Curriculum
  10. Learning and Teaching Styles – Advances in Teaching Practice
  11. Advances in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
  12. Advances in Information Literacy
  13. Advances in the Affirmation of the Pedagogical Profession – Examples from Practice
  14. The Cross-Thematic Group